The Dink

Take a minute to write an introduction that is short, sweet, and to the point. If you sell something, use this space to describe it in detail and tell us why we should make a purchase. Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.

Beginners Pickleball Clinic complete! Now What’s Next?
Stacey Steiner Stacey Steiner

Beginners Pickleball Clinic complete! Now What’s Next?

You’ve just completed a beginners pickleball clinic, and now you’re even more convinced pickleball is the greatest sport ever invented, but now what?

Fortunately, there are numerous opportunities for beginners to play in the area — once you know where to look.

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Patience. Placement. Power.
Stacey Steiner Stacey Steiner

Patience. Placement. Power.

An avid pickle ball player for three years, Andy Zarka loves the sport so much he opened an entire store specifically dedicated to pickleball. Jax Pickleball Store is the first only one of its kind in north Florida.

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Pickleball is the real 'dill'
Stacey Steiner Stacey Steiner

Pickleball is the real 'dill'

Pickleball got its start on Bainbridge Island off the coast of Seattle in 1965 when three dads got together and created a game to entertain their families. A combination of tennis, table tennis (aka ping-pong) and badminton, pickleball is a game that takes very little athletic ability to play, but one that can also be played at a highly athletic level.

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