Benefits of Pickleball for a Healthy Lifestyle

Pickleball, like many sports, offers physical activity and strenuous muscle movements. As a result, it has numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. Whether you’re young or past retirement age, pickleball can help keep your body in the game. Here are the benefits of pickleball for a healthy lifestyle.


Pickleball is an aerobic exercise, so your lungs and heart improve by playing. As a result, you can expect better blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness levels, and cholesterol. By playing numerous times a week, you’ll see an overall improvement in how your body functions. Plus, as one game of pickleball can burn up to 600 calories per hour, this workout is great for losing or maintaining your weight.

Cognitive Function

Pickleball doesn’t just offer physical health benefits. The sport can also help your mind! In a fast-paced game that requires your full attention, you need to make split-second decisions while playing. A side-effect of that is better cognitive performance, as well as easier memory recall. Along with these advantages, you can expect to see, over time, refined hand-eye coordination. Pickleball will help you stay sharp.


Pickleball is what we call a low-impact sport. That means there’s minimal wear and tear on your weight-bearing joints. Pickleball won’t put too much strain on your joints and muscles, as opposed to more high-impact sports like tennis. This is due to the sport’s smaller court, which requires less running and reduces strain on your ankles, knees, and hips. You’ll also have fewer strains thanks to the underhand serve, making pickleball the perfect sport for people of all ages.

Mental Health

When you’re playing pickleball, you’ll interact with many people. This has a direct impact on your mental health. By socializing through the sport, you’re counteracting loneliness and boosting your mood. You’ll meet new people and make new friends, all while improving your mental health. Studies show that counteracting loneliness puts people at less risk of depression, stroke, dementia, and more. So if you’re feeling down, consider picking up pickleball and heading over to Jax Pickleball Store. You’ll join a community of pickleball lovers right here in Jacksonville.

Pickleball is a sport that everyone can pick up and start benefiting from immediately. The mental, physical, and emotional health benefits are unparalleled. If you’d like to get in on the action, drop by Jax Pickleball Store. Our team of pickleball experts will be glad to work with you and find the perfect equipment. We also offer introductory classes so you can learn the game and feel the burn on your first try.


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